Strong Mutha

Monday 9:20am – 10:20am

In the Shelley Room

NEW class starting 6th March 2023

A low impact, body weight HIIT class, created & run by a qualified Ante & Postnatal Personal Trainer, with over a decade worth of training experience.  

Classes are designed to make you feel like YOU again after having a baby, rebuild your strength and fitness, and most importantly – body confidence, with a boost of endorphins.

Every movement can be modified to suit your fitness level, or pre/postpartum conditions, especially for those weakened pelvic floor muscles. Instructors can show you how to engage your core again, and rebuild your fitness slowly and safely.

Why exercise at Strong Mutha?

    • Exercise safely with a qualified instructor
    • Meet other local mums 
    • Do something for you! Having a baby is a HUGE change, and it can feel like your old life has gone. Getting together with others who totally get it can be a game changer mentally. Exercise has always been great for endorphins, so even if you’ve got a baby who hasn’t slept, or cries for no reason whatsoever, you’ll feel better for just moving.
    • We make it easy, bring your baby, or toddler along with you- just bring whatever they need. 

For more information, please contact Louisa:

M: 07746 932006

