Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Thursday evening: 6.30pm to 7.45pm

Suitable for women over 14 weeks pregnant.
No previous yoga experience needed.  
Call to book a place: Sharon: 07813435749 

Cost £12.00

About pregnancy yoga

Scaravelli inspired yoga classes combine gentle movement with breathing and relaxation techniques to help you to stay calm, release tension and connect with your baby. Yoga classes can also help with improving flexibility, stamina and relieving tiredness, backache and heartburn. Yoga in pregnancy is a wonderful way to help prepare for birth and to adjust to the many changes in pregnancy, both emotionally and physically. By using your breath and listening to your body you will be able to move in a way that is right for you.

Class length and content

Classes are one hour and fifteen minutes long and start with informal introductions and a chance to meet other pregnant women. They are informative and explore different aspects of preparation for birth, such as breathing techniques, yoga poses that encourage baby to get into the best position for birth. Classes end with a longer relaxation, helping you to release tension and connect to your baby, which can be really beneficial in helping you to feel calm and confident and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

What to wear and bring to a class

Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely. It is usual to practice with bare feet but the choice is yours. Bring a drink of water and eat something light about an hour before the class. Due to COVID-19, you will need to bring your own yoga mat and cushion. I will provide yoga blocks as needed. 

About me

My name is Sharon Playle and I have practiced yoga for many years and qualified as a yoga teacher in 2017 and then as a pregnancy yoga teacher more recently in 2019. I am also a midwife with 30 years’ experience and a qualified hypnobirthing instructor, which I have been teaching for over 8 years. My understanding of pregnancy and birth help to inform my yoga classes and I feel very excited to combine my experience and be able to offer these classes. Both teacher training courses are British Wheel of Yoga accredited.

Hypnobirthing courses are also available.

Hypnobirthing courses run over 3 weeks and are a wonderful way to prepare for labour and birth with your partner

For more details please contact Sharon.